Monday, August 31, 2009

First Day of Preschool!!!

My first day...outside all ready to go!Must have a picture with Dad and I guess, Mom too.One outside the school with my friend Lane!I don't even have to wait for middle school...I already have a locker!I had so much fun today, that I can hardly wait for Wednesday!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Some of you may be wondering if we went MIA??? Truth is I have been a bit MIA however its been for a good cause.

Last Saturday was our annual squadron auction. Intriguing, right? Our auction is our largest fundraiser of the year for our spouses' club. Spouses' club some might ask...are the thread that holds the military wife together! Its our excuse to get together monthly and share our common lives with a wife/wives who understand our day to day struggles.

So this year I was the second seat for auction chair. A friend Alicia and I (along with the help of many other fabulous spouses') put together in my opinion a night of fantastic fun and comradery amongst the flying squadrons here in Minot. This years theme was "All American" they decorated the squadron with red, white and blue and served hotdogs and nachos. We were blessed with TONS of silent auction items and slew of desserts to auction off. Our live auction items were hot!!! There were pictures, dinner with a variety of commanders, crazy fun baskets full of goodies and even some babysitting for a formal dining out that is coming up next week! (That was donated by the gracious Ehrenfeld family...oh wait that's us!)

But the item that was the most touching was print that was donated by a family in the squadron commemorating RAIDR 21. RAIDR 21 was the callsign for the plane that crashed last July in Guam. That jet belonged to a fellow B-52 squadron down at Barksdale. I watched as our 3 different squadrons up here came together bidding on this print to keep it in our squadrons so these airmen & their families are never forgotten for their sacrifice. This print raised thousands of dollars that will be donated to the funds set up for these families who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

I have been feeling God prompting me to share this story. So tonight as I was laying in bed grateful for my spouse, who is next to me, my heart hurts for those families and all the others who are missing this very important link.

Many blessing to all!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Here Mom, were you looking for this?
For more check out 5MinutesforMom.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Worth Passing On...

My sweet friend, Katie, let me in on this secret so now I share with you!

Here is a phone number to savings 1-800-410-9629. Now I know its ideal to nurse for the first year of your childs life however sometimes things do not work out. So we had to switch Makayla to formula and we actually found she was happier and so am I!

Back to the this number every 30 days and you will receive coupon for $2-$3 off your formula. I know with a lot of the big formula companies they send you coupons however I use Target brand and its really hard to get coupons.

Remember to pass this on to friends who might benefit! Happy Tuesday :)

Monday, August 3, 2009

What a Monday!

My week is starting out with a bang here! I will be taking Makayla to the dr. this morning, her runny nose has added a REALLY BAD cough :(

Then at 8:45 our annual maintenance inspection uncovered a failing hot water heater that needs replaced and our fridge too! Our fridge was freezing stuff put on the top shelf and now all of a sudden its melting them. Not exactly how it should work.

How is your Monday shaping up?