Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday has been hard for me to write this week...not because I'm not thankful for LOTS of things.  I am truly thankful.

But this week I am especially thankful for my legs!  Yes, yes my white haven't seen the sun since last summer legs.

I have had the opportunity to get out twice this week and run.  It has been a while since I have been able to run outside and its been amazing.  Sometimes I find I need a little more convincing to get my butt in gear and that's when I remind myself that bathing suit season will start in 52 days for me! Yikes that is coming soon!

So thank you Lord for blessing me with legs so I may run and enjoy the beautiful weather outside!

1 comment:

Audra Lynn said...

...and I'm thinking of a ZZ Top song now. :)